Wednesday, March 26, 2014

When It's Hard to Breathe

I think we all have those moments where we start thinking too much. Lately, when this happens, anxiety takes over and I my brain goes into overdrive and I can't stop. To be completely honest, I've NEVER been like this. I've never had anxiety attacks before. I'm generally the kind of person who can roll with the punches and take life as it comes. It's been coming faster than I can deal with. Wave after wave after wave.

Something that I've been realizing is that life is unrelenting. Life will not slow down or stop or give me a break because I feel overwhelmed. But I also think that society tells us that it isn't okay for us to show our feelings or be vulnerable or feel like everything is too much.

Well, society, I've had about enough of your crap.

Listen, person who is reading my blog. Feel how you feel. Please do not let someone make your thoughts and feelings invalid. Do not listen to the person telling you to hold it together and keep going and color inside the lines 100% of the time. You'll go nuts.

Please remember that the Bible never says that God won't give us more than we can handle. That is such a lie. I can't handle basic human tasks about half of the time, so I think I'm living proof that that just isn't true. I was probably more than my sweet parents could handle on a daily basis. Combine that with two brothers and a dog and life and I am literally convinced that the rest of my family is somehow The Incredibles and I didn't get my invisible power like in the movie.

I digress.

Anyway. I wanted to make sure you knew that feeling overwhelmed is valid. I'm lucky enough to have people in my life that remind me of that and that live life with me daily and hold me up. Thank you, people in my life. You rock. Now i'm relaying the message to my blog people. They need to know.

So, blog people. I'm giving myself a little break. I'm going to skip a class. Yeah, I did have spring break last week and I am about to graduate from college and I have no plans. Thanks for bringing that up. But tonight, I was feeling trapped. And then I let Jesus speak to me through music and I felt my soul breathe a sigh of relief. So when it's hard to breathe, let your soul rest. My tendency is to run, but my mind doesn't shut off just because I'm hiding. Set your eyes on Jesus. It's so good for your soul. ALSO, remind me of this when I freak out. I'm only human, after all.


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